Legal Professionals Partner Program

Partnership types

Become a trusted resource for Thomson Reuters clients

Partnership types

Become a trusted resource for Thomson Reuters clients

Looking for a way to identify new business opportunities? Ready to build a strategic alliance to help you grow your customer base? Thomson Reuters Legal Professionals Partners join one of the premier global business communities serving legal and professional services organizations.

Summary of partnership program options:

Type Definition
Marketing partner Joint marketing and name association between Thomson Reuters and partner.
Technology partner Organization that provides critical technology, information, or intellectual property that improves Thomson Reuters offerings and/or creates a joint offering.
Implementation partner Organization that helps individual customers integrate Thomson Reuters products with the systems they already have.
Referral partner Partner that refers sales leads to Thomson Reuters, or Thomson Reuters refers sales leads to partner.
Reseller partner Organization that independently resells Thomson Reuters products, or Thomson Reuters resells partner product.
Alliance partner Organizations that engage with Thomson Reuters to develop joint offering, co-market, provide certifications, or refer Thomson Reuters services.

Disclaimer: Thomson Reuters reserves the right to change the terms of the Partner Program without notice.